
CyberFreight is closed on Whit Monday (May 20th)
Please note that CyberFreight Amsterdam (office and warehouse) and CyberFreight Rotterdam (office) will be closed on Monday May 20th due to Whit Monday.
We kindly request to take this into account.
If you have any questions regarding the information mentioned above, feel free to contact us.

Altered opening times May
In relation to multiple holidays in the month of May, different opening times apply.
- Ascension day
Thursday, May 9th | closed - Whit Monday
Monday, May 20th | closed
These altered opening times apply both to CyberFreight Rotterdam and CyberFreight Amsterdam.
We kindly request to take these changed opening times into account. If you have any questions regarding the information mentioned above, feel free to contact us.

Altered opening hours during Dutch National Holidays in April and May
We have the following altered opening hours during Dutch National Holidays in April and May for CyberFreight Rotterdam (office) and CyberFreight Amsterdam (office and warehouse):

CyberFreight Pharma Logistics will be attending CPhI Frankfurt 2022
CyberFreight will be attending CPhI Frankfurt 2022. We look forward to seeing you there!

Hitachi Transport System, Ltd. announces agreement to acquire all shares of CyberFreight International B.V.
Hitachi Transport System, Ltd. has agreed to acquire all shares of CyberFreight International B.V.