ISO 9001 and 14001 certification
We are very proud of this achievement and will continue to work on good, personal and flexible services.
After four days of intense auditing by SGS, following a year of extensive preparations, this organisation informed us we have succeeded with flying colours in obtaining ISO 9001* and ISO 14001** certification. De auditresults only gave rise to a few minor recommendations, which of course will handled and implemented immediately.
Soon we will receive our ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates, but we are allowed to state being certified effective immediately.
This again is a confirmation of our outstanding quality- and managementsystem and continuous work on improvements, also on our services.
*ISO 9001 is the International standard for quality management systems
**ISO 14001 is one of the standards of the ISO 14000 series and is applied worldwide to implement and certify environmental management systems